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Camping Recipes


Here, I have compiled a list of great recipes designed with camping in mind. Most of these recipes assume you are camping with a vehicle and are able to keep ingredients cold. They are intended to be simple and easy to make with the limited camping cooking equipment, while taking advantage of camp fire  flavours and textures. The repices will be in imperial measurements where necessary as I think it is easier with what you'll have with you while camping.

Cast Iron Pot Potatos




  • Potatoes - enough to fill 3/4 your pot, or feed however many people.

  • Bacon

  • Cheese

  • Onions

  • Salt and pepper

  • Oil


  1. Chop up potatoes into circles about a cm, or thinner if you'd prefer.

  2. Chop up onions and cut the bacon into small pieces.

  3. Cook bacon in the pot with a small amount of oil.

  4. Once cooked, scoop out the bacon, leaving the oil.

  5. Place your potatoes in the pot, filling a little less than half of it and add salt and pepper to taste.

  6. Add half the onions.

  7. Add half the bacon and cheese.

  8. Now repeat this layering with more potatoes and top with cheese and bacon.

  9. Cook for approx. 45 mins or until the potatoes are soft.


Foil Wrapped Fresh Tasmanian Salmon with Herbs and Lemon


  • 4 Tasmanian salmon filets

  • 8 Slices of lemon

  • 4 Tbsp. dijon mustard

  • 4 Sprigs of dill

  • 4 Sprigs of tarragon

  • 4 Tbsp. butter

  • 2 Garlic gloves, minced

  • 1 Shallot, sliced

  • Olive Oil

  • Sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper

  • Tin foil

Ingredients serve 4, adjust accordingly.


  1. Season salmon filets generously with sea salt and cracked black pepper. Spread 1 tbsp. of dijon mustard on the tops of each salmon filets.

  2. Layer 2 lemon slices, a sprig of tarragon and dill, a few cuts of shallot, 1 tbsp. of butter, and some garlic on each salmon filet. Splash the tops of the filets with a plenty of olive oil.

  3. Wrap salmon filets individually in tin foil.

  4. Put wrapped salmon directly on hot coals (spread some coals about a foot away from where the logs are burning).

  5. Cook for 6-8 minutes, or until the fish is cooked. The flesh should fall off the bone and the spine and ribs should pull out easily.


Recipe courtesy of

Italian Sausage



  • Sauages of your choosing

  • Garlic infused olive oil

  • McCormick Bush Spice

  • Leggos Napolitana Pasta Sauce

  • Pasta (optional)

  • Frozen vegetables (optional)



  1. Cook pasta in a pot until ready (continue with recipe while cooking the pasta if you have the room)

  2. Fry sausages in a pan with the oil and bush spice.

  3. Once cooked, cut them into small pieces

  4. Mix pasta sauce and sauages in the pan. Add the frozen veggies.

  5. Simmer until veggies are cooked, serve on top of the pasta.


Modified recipe courtesy of Ezookiel of forums.

Chicken Creamy Casserole


  • Precooked BBQ Chicken (Hot Roast Chicken)

  • 100 ml Cream (Or more, if you would prefer)

  • 1 Small sour cream carton

  • 1 Can of Cream of Chicken soup (or Cream of Mushroom)

  • 1 Sachet of French Onion soup

  • Frozen Vegetables


  1. Strip all the meat off the cooked chicken and into a casserole dish.

  2. Add the cream and carton of sour cream.

  3. Add the can and sachet soups and frozen veggies and stir until mixed well.

  4. Heat until veggies are cooked.



Recipe courtesy of Ezookiel of forums.

Billy Can Beer and Bacon Damper

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 small red onion, halved, thinly sliced

  • 2 middle bacon rashers, trimmed, cut into small pieces

  • 1 tablespoon Always Fresh Relish Chilli Jam

  • 450g (3 cups) self-raising flour

  • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • 280ml beer, at room temperature



  1. Grease and line the base only of a 1.5L billy can with baking paper. Heat 1 tbs of oil in a frying pan over medium-low heat. Add onion and cook, stirring, for 7 minutes or until soft. Stir in bacon for 6 minutes or until golden. Stir in the jam for 2 minutes or until lightly caramelised. Season. Transfer to a bowl to cool for 10 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, combine flour, rosemary and salt in a large bowl. Season with pepper. Make a well in the centre. Add beer and remaining oil. Stir to form a soft, sticky dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 5 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Roll out dough to a 20 x 35cm rectangle. Spread with onion mixture. Roll up lengthways to form a sausage shape. Holding each end, twist dough to expose some onion mixture. Shape into a coil and place in prepared billy can. Set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes to rest.

  3. Preheat enclosed barbecue on low. Place billy can on tray. Cook with hood down for 40 minutes or until golden and dough sounds hollow when tapped. Stand for 5 minutes. Remove from billy can and serve warm.


Recipe and photo courtesy of

Bailey’s Dipped Toasted Marshmallows

  • Bailey's Irish Cream

  • Marshmallows


  1. Toast your marshmallows over a campfire.

  2. Dip into a glass of Bailey's.

  3. That simple!


Recipe and photo courtesy of

Campfire Chocolate Banana Melt

  • 1 banana, peeled

  • 2 tablespoons miniature marshmallows

  • 2 tablespoons semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • cinnamon

  • foil




  1. Keep the peel on banana; slice lengthwise twice, lift up flap of peel and place on foil.

  2. Insert marshmallows and chocolate chips into the sliced banana and place the peeled section back down.

  3. Wrap the banana in the foil and place on hot coals, away from the flames. Cook for 3-5 minutes or until the banana is soft and the chocolate has melted.

  4. Allow to cool slighty and unwrap the foil and gently peel the banana

  5. Add a generous sprinkle of cinnamon and eat!



Modified recipe courtesy of 'Girl Who Ate Everything' on

Smokey Campfire Skewer Bacon

  • bacon

  • skewers


  1. Loosely weave bacon onto the skewers.

  2. Prepare a campfire and set two logs or rocks on each side of the flames so you can rest the skewers on the logs/stones over the flames.

  3. Rotate the skewers every 5 or so minutes to ensure even cooking and browning. Flare ups are just from bacon grease and nothing to worry about.

  4. Your bacon should be crispy, ready and extra smoky in about 30 minutes.



Recipe and photo courtesy of

More Recipes Soon!

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